Family Engagement - Challenge Map

Family Engagement

Challenge Map - Family Engagement

School and district efforts to engage families as partners in their children’s learning

Schools are looking to provide authentic opportunities for parents and caregivers of students of all ages to stay engaged with their children’s education. But schools often struggle to build two-way communications and meaningful learning-centered partnerships with students’ families. It can be especially challenging to support a range of families with many different backgrounds and needs. Explore the challenges related to Family Engagement -- Increasing & Sustaining Family Engagement, Engaging Diverse Families, and Connecting Family Engagement to Student Learning -- below.

Increasing & Sustaining Family Engagement

Many caregivers are busy or over-committed and it can be a challenge for schools to engage families as partners. In this context, how can schools increase and sustain family engagement, and ensure parents and caregivers are informed about and involved in key initiatives?

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Engaging Diverse Families

Certain populations of families – including families of color, those experiencing poverty, and non-English speakers – have been historically disenfranchised and may feel unwelcome in schools. How can districts best reach, engage, and impact these historically marginalized groups, building welcoming relationships and providing culturally-relevant opportunities for diverse families?

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Connecting Family Engagement to Student Learning

Schools are looking to boost families’ role in supporting their children’s learning, but it can be challenging to equip caregivers with strategies to help their children with academic skills, like reading and math, in an era of new standards. How can schools support parents to be engaged in student learning, from discussing academic goal setting to providing rich home literacy environments, while leveraging families' strengths?

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